Monday, December 9, 2013

December 9, 2013

Hello Family! Yes it is a cold cold day here in Lubbock Texas. It is a gray gloomy day- it's not snowing but it is misting. Very cold, but luckily we haven't had any ice storms. Some mornings they have us stay inside till the ice on the road melts but other than that no complaints! 

So to explain about that! I have been called as a Sister Training Leader! This is a new position since I have been on my mission, and it is similar to a zone leader- except I am just over the sisters in my zone. So I go on exchanges with them (hence why I will probably not even be around Wednesday). We are there for them to help the Sisters in their needs. It is a brilliant inspired calling to be able to help us as sisters, and to keep relationships between elders and sisters very professional. I am still not sure what all it entails. I just got called on Friday about it, and just got an email about my responsibility. The goal is that one day they will have two STL's be companions like zone leaders, but with the growth of the mission it isn't possible yet due to so many sisters needing to be trained (by the way we got our first shipment of SPANISH sisters to Lubbock this last transfer! so cool!) So I will be working with Sister J who is another STL and she is serving in Plainview. So I am excited to be able to get to help and love all of these girls! There are about 15 sisters in the Lubbock city so this will be busy and exciting!

I am so lucky that I am able to have Sister K as my companion. She is from Spanish Fork and is a TRIPLET! Cool right?! She is absolutely great, and we communicate and get along really REALLY well! Which is such a blessing because we have a lot to accomplish this transfer! Not only am I trying to magnify my calling, but we are working really hard to get this area really organized and working on really being unified with our ward mission leader and bishop. It is very different because it is a YSA and everyone is learning things together. But it is such an exciting time, and I know I have been called to serve with Sister K for a direct reason, and we are going to move mountains this transfer. And really lay the framework for things to boom when the semester starts up again! 

So yes, everyone and their dogs are going to be leaving this week for the 4 week break! Like 90% of our teaching pool! But we are already making great steps with less actives in our ward. We had 1 less active at church yesterday who hasn't been in 8 years. Another who hasn't been all semester. And another who hasn't been in at least 4 years. Plus getting we saw people that come not very often where there too!! It was so great!  

We also had the great opportunity to go to the annual Stake activity called the Nativity. The stake collects nativities and opens it to the public and man was it quite the event. There were 705! nativities. The rooms each had a specific smell, and they had color schemes and all sorts of fanciness! It is so amazing though that it would be something I would want to come back and see every year. They had choir concerts and artists sculpting that you could watch and really just so intense. We were able to watch the Christmas Devotional last night too! It was a really good week! 

Well I love you all! A month from this upcoming Sunday and I'll be seeing you! My planner this month is covered with pictures of my 7 babies! Can't wait to kiss them all!! haha

 Happy Holidays! And don't forget about Elder Ballard's challenge from General Conference! Christmas is coming so don't forget! Love you

Your missionary- Sister P! 

 me with some of my previous comps at the transfer site! 

leaving sister o

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